Ход урока

Тип урока: комбинированный

Оснащение урока: карточки, текст, аудио- видеоматериалы, карта США

Цель урока: практическое применение полученных знаний по теме.

Задачи урока:

1.     Образовательная – автоматизировать навыки использования лексических единиц по теме, в устной речи; совершенствовать навыки чтения, аудирования, письма и устной речи.

2.     Развивающая – развивать умение вступать в разговор с окружающими; умение работать в группе; развивать у учащихся чувство языка, память и внимание.

3.     Воспитательная -  содействовать воспитанию культуры общения, чувства ответственности, сотрудничества, добра  и соучастия


Тема: The Skyscrapers of  NEW YORK.

1.   Introduction:

We have begun talking about sights of the USA. We have said that there are many sights in New York. One of them is the Empire State Building. Let’s brainstorm and remember what you can say about skyscrapers of New York (the students are divided in 2 groups & given 2 minutes to do the task; after that the lists are put on the board and read, the results are counted; more words can be added by the teacher).

2.   Checking the home task:

Words to learn: district, scrape, instantly, symbol, power, energy, floodlit, prevent.

-  Have you ever been to the top of a high building? Did you feel faint or giddy?

-  Does any building or monument in your country fascinate you?

- Can you name a place or building which is a symbol of your country?

3.   Language Development

Talking point

Discuss briefly how the following have influenced the world and say which you approve and disapprove of:

Symbols of the USA

The Statue of Liberty


The White House

Hollywood films

Walt Disney


4.   Listening

Listen to someone talking about how her original ideas about Americans and the USA - in particular New York - were altered by her visit.


what she thought before her visit.

what she thinks now.

5.   Writing

Write a description of a famous building, monument or landmark in your country.


A very famous building in … is ..., situated in ... It was built in ... and was designed by the famous architect,...

One of its main attractions is ... It is/was here that...

6.   Home task

Correct the sentences.


1. New York State is situated at the mouth of the Mississippi River.

   No, New York State is situated at the mouth of the Hudson River.

2.In the downtown district of Manhattan the buildings are small and old-fashioned.

3. The Empire State Building is the tallest building in New York.

4. The Empire State was built in 1941.

5. It has never been cleaned.

6. The building is shaped like a tall rectangle.

7.   Marks for the lesson

8.   Extra Activity

Read the text and give a repot about New York.